2018 The Rise of Female Ulama in Indonesia: A Gender Perspective

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2018 The Rise of Female Ulama in Indonesia: A Gender Perspective
Risea vol1 no1.png
JudulRISEA: Review of Islam in Southeast Asia
SeriVolume 1 Number 1 (2018)
Tahun terbit
June 2018
Nama Jurnal : RISEA: Review of Islam in Southeast Asia
Seri : Volume 1 Number 1 (2018)
Tahun : June 2018
Judul Tulisan : The Rise of Female Ulama in Indonesia: A Gender Perspective
Penulis : Yanuardi Syukur (Depatment of Anthropology, Faculty of Literature and Culture, The University of Khairun, Ternate)


This article tries to see the contestation and affirmation of female ulama (muslim scholars) in contemporary Indonesia.The common patriarchal system in Indonesia has made the role of female clergy not so visible which is very different from the role of ulama which is generally attributed to men.With a gender perspective, this paper tries to see the affirmation process of femaleulama in Indonesia conducted by muslim women organizations and NGOs in the discourse on the roles of men and women.Among interesting discourse was raised by the Indonesian Women Ulema Congress (KUPI) conducted in April 2017 in Cirebon, West Java. Women activists and ulema discussed strategic issues on Islamic studies, women movement, economic empowerment and national politics of how women have to get more access and to take a stronger leadership role in national and regional level.

Keywords: Female ulama; gender; KUPI

Untuk membaca penuh artikel ini silahkan klik tautan berikut: https://journal.uinjkt.ac.id/index.php/risea/article/view/9636